Monday, October 13, 2014

Planets for the Week 11 Oct 2014

This Week's Planet Roundup from

are hidden in the glare of
the Sun.

(magnitude +0.8) remains low in the
southwest during dusk. Look for twinklier orange
Antares (magnitude +1.0) moving ever farther
down to Mars's lower right.

(magnitude –1.9, at the Cancer-Leo
border) rises in the east-northeast around 2
a.m. It shines brightly high in the east before
and during dawn. Jupiter forms a big triangle
with Pollux above it (by about two fists at arm's
length) and Procyon to their right. Below Jupiter
and a bit left is Regulus.
Saturn (magnitude +0.6, in Libra) is sinking
very low after sunset. As twilight fades, look for
it well to the right of Antares, which is lower
right of Mars. Bring binoculars.

( magnitude 5.7, in Pisces) and
Neptune(magnitude 7.8, in Aquarius) are high in the
southeast and south, respectively, by 9 or 10

Nishant Gor

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